Types Of Massage

Table Thai

  • The most simple way to describe Thai is “Lazy man’s yoga”! A ancient bodywork form from Thailand that is an interactive and unique massage leading to healing and relaxation. Techniques within this massage are: reflexology, acupressure, passive stretching, meditation and aromatherapy. This massage technique allows work in the body’s energy lines, nervous system, and the fascia of the connective tissue.

  • There are so many benefits from Thai massage such as lengthening muscles though progressive and assisted stretching. Increased joint range of motion. Bolster the immune system’s overall health and function along with improving overall circulation. Bring a balanced flow of energy in the body the body is able to relax muscle tension helping balance the nervous system and helping improve nervous system disorders. Last, but not least Thai massage promotes the sinuses, skin, respiratory system and the heart.


  • As a western massage Swedish is referred to a specific group of techniques. Effleurage, Petrissage/Kneading, Compression, Tapotement/Percussion and Friction.

  • Effleurage is a technique consisting of long, broad strokes. The spectrum of effleurage is determined by pressure, drag, speed, direction and rhythm. This technique is helpful for warming up tissue, distribution of lubricants, allowing venous blood flow - returning blood to the heart- along with relaxing the nervous system. As a massage therapist Swedish massage is a great beginning for new clients. Allowing evaluation for hard and soft tissue (bony landmarks), hot and cold areas, or areas that seem “stuck”.

Deep Tissue

  • Deep Tissue massage is different for everyone based on their pain levels and muscle tissue build. Often deep tissue is thought to be more based on pressure put on muscle but it is actually more about the therapists thinking, listening and feeling. Being able to feel all of one specific muscle, work out any spots of tension and then moving forward to the next muscle. While pressure does help play a role in releasing some tension spots, it is important to know that in order to release muscle tension sometimes pressure needs to be lighter.

  • What differentiates every body from one another in terms of deep tissue massage is thixotropy, viscoelasticity, piezoelectricity and adhesiveness.

  • Thixotropy is the ability which gels become more fluid when they are stirred up and more solid when they are left undisturbed. When it comes to how this changes within our body is based on our nutrition, physical exercise, and hydration.

  • Viscoelasticity can be broken down into ‘viscous’ (thick, sticky, gummy) and ‘elastic’ (expandable, flexible, and stretchy). If a substance is viscous it will become deformed and remain deformed unless and outside force manipulates it. Connective tissue is ‘plastic’ where as muscle tissue is “elastic” This means that when connective tissue is deformed by an outside force, like deep massage techniques or stretching, the tissue will remain in the deformed state after the outside source has been removed for a certain time period, then slowly return to its original shape. This is why frequent massages and adaptations in movement patterns can lead to a positive long-term change in shape and length of fascia.

  • Piezoelectricity means “pressure electricity”. It refers to the ability of living tissues to generate electrical potential in response to mechanical deformations including activates such as dancing, running, walking or any other weight-bearing movement, or the manipulation of soft tissue or bone such as that which might occur during a massage or chiropractic session. Research has found that massage helps stir ground substances and improves the health of connective tissue, speeds the healing of fractures along with stimulates the soft tissue leading to improved tissue health.

  • Adhesiveness. Reducing fascial restrictions and adhesions in soft tissue help separate structures so they don’t stick together. This is often the primary goal of deep tissue massage. Age, movement patterns, injury, stress and many other factors can contribute to binding of tissues. This causes decreased range of motion, postural imbalances, structural tension and increased possibility for injury.


  • Integrated massage is one of the most common massages I give, and my favorite! Integrated is simply a mix of Thai, Deep Tissue and Swedish massage.


  • Prenatal Massage is a wonderful opportunity for the mother to nourish herself during the pregnancy and a way for her to slow down and relax. Helping reduce common aches and pains associated with the body with the body expanding to accommodate the baby. Helping aid in relaxation, stress reduction, reduced myofascial pain and muscle pain, spasm and crams, and even decreases stresses on weight-bearing joint. Not to mention the increased blood blood and lymph circulation which can help reduce swelling; and massage provides nourishment which helps to emotionally support the mother and her baby.


Hot Stones

  • Hot stones are super helpful when someone is wanting more blood flow which helps with faster healing because it activates an immune response to the white blood cells to start cleaning things up and healing. Not to mention when blood flow is increased, oxygen and nutrients are increased to tissues. It also gives a relaxing effect on the nervous system easing tension, soreness, muscle spasms, pain, inflammation, and helps to increase flexibility of the muscles.

  • Something that is added to every massage - free of charge - is hot packs! This is super helpful when it comes to alleviating congested, inflamed, or bruised tissue. Allowing preparation over tense areas for deep tissue heat is a wonderful option to start the stimulation of the healing process.

Cold Stones

  • Cryotherapy (cold therapy) is wildly used to relieve muscle pain, sprains and swelling either via soft tissue damage or swelling. While there are different types of cryotherapy cold stones is a more simple approach allowing light reduced inflammation, reduced edema, reduced pain and release of endorphins.

  • Fun fact! Cold stones and Hot stones can be used together in the same session allowing a wonderful clash!

Thai Compresses

  • Thai herbal compresses have been used for over 400 years in Traditional Thai Medicine. Thai herbs, roots and flowers are wrapped and tied in a fabric then put into a steamer allowing constant aromatherapy and herbal properties to release. Often compresses are filled with basil, peppermint, lavender, rosemary, marigolds, orange peels, etc. Traditional compresses are filled with ginger, turmeric, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves and peels, acacia leaf, pandanus, camphor and jasmine. Compresses help inflammation, pain relief, relax the muscles and improve range of motion and circulation. Pressed along channels of our body, stagnations are cleared and opened.

Deep Blue

  • Doterra, Deep Blue Rub is a topical cream formulated with Deep Blue Soothing Blend of CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade™ essential oils, natural plant extracts, and additional helpful ingredients that provides a comforting sensation of cooling and warmth to problem areas.


  • Bringing CBD skincare and body care into your spa or medical practice is more than just a trend. The cannabinoids in CBD massage oil helps to reduce inflammation and soothes muscles. This makes it very effective at providing relief from painful joints and muscles. People who suffer from chronic pain, arthritis, back pain, and so much more can reap the many benefits of a CBD oil massage.

  • CBD helps to ease and relax your muscles as the cannabinoids enter our endocannabinoid system via the skin. Since it doesn’t contain THC, the active ingredient of marijuana, you won’t get high from it. That means you can go about the rest of your day without feeling high and still enjoy the relaxing afterglow of the massage.

  • You might not know it, but CBD is, in fact, a fantastic moisturizer. CBD massage oil contains hemp which conditions the skin making it supple and soft. Not only does this help you feel better and more relaxed after the massage, but it can also help with skin conditions. People who suffer from skin conditions such as eczema, acne, psoriasis or even just dry skin, can benefit from it.This is also because of the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD that will soothe the skin and reduce the pain of some skin conditions as well. There are minimal side effects and if you’ve tried other remedies that haven’t worked, it’s definitely something you should consider.


  • Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a therapist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. People get it for many purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage. Increasing blood circulation to the area where the cups are placed, this provides release of muscle tension, which can improve overall blood flow and promote cell repair. It may also help form new connective tissues and create new blood vessels in the tissue. During the process it is believed that cupping allows toxins to be taken to the surface of the skin which are then left via lymphatic system.